Join your CAPhO colleagues from across the country for a 60-minute webinar entitled What's New with Biosimilars for Oncology in Canada? presented by Flay Charbonneau from the Sunnybrook Health Services Centre.
Join your CAPhO colleagues from across the country for a 60-minute webinar entitled Graft-versus-Host Disease Post Allogenic Transplant, presented by Catherine Leyshon from the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.
The BC Cancer Pharmacy Education Program is a self-directed, online continuing professional education program that was developed by BC Cancer pharmacists to incorporate the unique perspective of oncology pharmacy practice in British Columb
Phase 2 of the Drug Interactions Program will test your skills! In these Cases, there are 4 ‘paths’ provided as options – you are expected to choose the path you think best manages the interaction based on your clinical reasoning.
Join your CAPhO colleagues from across the country for a 60-minute webinar entitled Cancer and Sexuality: What Pharmacists Need to Know, presented by Dr.
It is my pleasure to announce that CAPhO will be offering a practical oncology Drug Interactions Program available to all CAPhO members!