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Latest News & Updates

Glenn Myers

#1 – Registration for the Phase 3: Live Workshop is open!

Lauren (Flay) Charbonneau

Join your CAPhO colleagues from across the country for a 60-minute webinar entitled What's New with Biosimilars for Oncology in Canada? presented by Flay Charbonneau from the Sunnybrook Health Services Centre.

The third annual Oncology Fundamentals Day (OFD) took place on Saturday, September 22,

Join your CAPhO colleagues from across the country for a 60-minute webinar entitled Graft-versus-Host Disease Post Allogenic Transplant, presented by Catherine Leyshon from the Tom Baker Cancer Centre.

Congratulations to the following CAPhO members who were elected to the Board of Directors.

Glenn Myers

The BC Cancer Pharmacy Education Program is a self-directed, online continuing professional education program that was developed by BC Cancer pharmacists to incorporate the unique perspective of oncology pharmacy practice in British Columb

On December 21, 2017 CAPhO was incorporated under the British Columbia (BC) Societies Act as a member-funded Society.

Glenn Myers

Phase 2 of the Drug Interactions Program will test your skills! In these Cases, there are 4 ‘paths’ provided as options – you are expected to choose the path you think best manages the interaction based on your clinical reasoning.

Join your CAPhO colleagues from across the country for a 60-minute webinar entitled Cancer and Sexuality: What Pharmacists Need to Know, presented by Dr.

Glenn Myers

It is my pleasure to announce that CAPhO will be offering a practical oncology Drug Interactions Program available to all CAPhO members!   The NEW