Welcome from the CAPhO President

As the Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO) Board of Directors continues to build on the work of past directors and the many volunteers, I am thrilled to assume the role of President and lead CAPhO to serve our dedicated members at the forefront of oncology pharmacy practice throughout Canada.

CAPhO’s mission is to promote, support, and advance Canada’s oncology pharmacy practice. As a member-directed association, it is up to all of us to strive for excellence and ensure that cancer patients across the country receive the highest quality of care possible. CAPhO’s values of quality, inclusivity and accountability to members, collaboration and engagement, and knowledge advancement and innovation are key tenets of our association that drives our strategic plan.

Our values act as a driver for all of the association’s initiatives and projects, unite us as a community, and guide our actions as we work towards our shared goals. The Board of Directors is dedicated to upholding these values and fostering a culture of growth, innovation, and advancement across all fields of our organization. Recent initiatives utilized to achieve these goals, include CAPhO’s:
•    Endorsement Program supporting externally developed education materials and resources for clinical settings.
•    Pharmacy Mentorship Collaboration between CAPhO and NCODA, pairing student mentees with established pharmacy professionals.
•    Infographics Social Media Series designed to provide members with information on trending topics within oncology pharmacy.
•    Online educational offerings, such as webinars, workshops, the CAPhO Connections Podcast, and Oncology Fundamentals Day.

As the recognized leader of oncology pharmacy in Canada, together, we will continue to elevate the practice of oncology pharmacy in Canada and make a positive difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Thank you for your ongoing support, dedication, and commitment to CAPhO.

Michelle Koberinski