CAPhO Conference 2022

Date April 21-24, 2022
Pat Trozzo
Theme Change Ready


The CAPhO 2022 Virtual Conference program theme is "Change Ready". The planning for this conference began with the intention of having delegates come together for an in person conference in 2022, hosted in Winnipeg.  As the planning continued and regions in Canada began to enter the fourth wave, it was clear that the structure had to change to uphold the safety of, and meet the needs of its delegates. 

Change Ready describes a conference that provides the knowledge delegates will require “post” pandemic life. It focuses on providing the skills and opportunities for professional development that will help with ongoing diversity and advanced scopes of practice that are evolving at a very fast pace. It helps tie in technological and virtual practices that can improve patient’s health and well being. 

The CAPhO Conference is the only national conference that brings Oncology Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and Assistants together. We hope you will hold the date and join us virtually for this fabulous event!

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Program & Presentations


CAPhO 2022 Annual General Meeting