About CAPhO

At the Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO), you will be able to meet colleagues, exchange views, post professional papers, find oncology pharmacy resources, complete continuing education courses, locate contacts in other provinces, and much more.


As a member-directed association, CAPhO promotes, supports and advances oncology pharmacy practice.


CAPhO is the recognized leader of oncology pharmacy in Canada.


Quality – excellence in the provision of safe and effective oncology pharmacy services to people in Canada with cancer.

Inclusivity and accountability to members – pharmacists, technicians and pharmacy assistants involved in oncology pharmacy services, working in any pharmacy setting.

Collaboration and engagement – with healthcare providers, patients and other organizations.

Knowledge advancement and innovation – professional development through mentorship, education and research.


CAPhO is an incorporated member-funded Society. CAPhO’s Constitution and Bylaws provide the framework for the Association.

The CAPhO Board of Directors is comprised of oncology pharmacists, technicians, pharmacy assistants and other healthcare professionals from across Canada.

Strategic Plan

CAPhO Strategic Priorities Wordart

CAPhO is working towards creating a strategic plan to make the Association even better. In 2022 the following five strategic priorities were identified:

  1. Competencies: Create an evidence-based inventory of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the competent practice of Canadian pharmacists in an oncology focused practice setting
  2. Education and Research: Expand innovative educational opportunities in pursuit of excellence in practice
  3. Advocacy: Develop an advocacy program to represent and advance the interests of members
  4. Value and Engagement: Deliver value through continual assessment, understanding, and response to members' needs
  5. Communications: Engage members and advance the field of oncology pharmacy

View the CAPhO Strategic Plan diagram with an overview of the five goals and corresponding objectives to see what CAPhO has planned in the upcoming years.


ACPhO logo

CAPhO’s communication is predominately in English. We work to meet the needs of our French-speaking members by providing a website that has a translate function.