Awards, Grants & FCAPhO

Reg deskThe Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO) offers a wide variety of Awards, Travel Grants, Research Grants, Learning Grants and the FCAPhO Designation to recognize members’ achievements in the field of oncology pharmacy and to help participation in oncology pharmacy national and international conferences and events.

Please click here to download the Awards & Grants 2025 timeline.

CAPhO Awards and Grants Application Deadlines

The applications for the CAPhO Research, Wild Card Travel and Learning Grants are now open, with a submission deadline of Wednesday, June 11, 2025.

CAPhO Awards and Grants applications will open in September 2025, with a submission deadline of Wednesday, November 20, 2025.

Awards recognize members who make contributions both to CAPhO and to the oncology pharmacy profession

CAPhO Awards

The FCAPhO recognizes excellence in the practice of oncology pharmacy in Canada


CAPhO offers Learning, Publication, Research and Travel Grants

CAPhO Grants