OFD 2024 Bilingual (English / French)

Reg deskOncology Fundamentals Day 2024 (OFD24) was a one-day, CCCEP-accredited, bilingual (English/French) learning event that took place virtually on Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 10:00 - 19:00 EDT. As a part of CAPhO's ongoing commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, OFD 2024 was offered in both English and French for the first time.

SHJournée des fondamentaux en oncologie 2024 (JFO24) est une journée d'apprentissage bilingue (anglais/français) accréditée par le CCEPP qui se tiendra en ligne le samedi 2 novembre 2024 de 10 h à 19 h (HAE). Vous souhaitez approfondir vos connaissances en oncologie ou vous lancer dans ce secteur ? Alors, retrouvez-nous en ligne pour une journée de formation complète dans la langue de votre choix !


The program focused on relevant and timely topics within oncology pharmacy and was geared towards pharmacists who provide cancer care as a portion of their practice, pharmacy technicians and assistants looking to enhance their core education, pharmacy students, new practitioners or health care professionals interested in foundational oncology education. The live virtual event was accredited by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy.

OFD24 registrants have access to the session recordings for 6 months following the event through the OFD24 Platform using their CAPhO OFD credentials. CAPhO Members who did not register will receive access to OFD24 recordings via the CAPhO website on May 2, 2025. Be sure to check back for more information on the next OFD as it becomes available.

OFD24 Program (Eng) 

Programme de la JFO24 (Fr)


CCCEPThe Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) is a national organization established to accredit continuing pharmacy education programs intended to be delivered to pharmacy professionals from more than one province or nationally. CCCEP accreditation is recognized by the pharmacy regulatory authorities in all provinces and territories of Canada.

Oncology Fundamentals Day 2024 sessions were accredited for 5.25 CEUs.

A letter of participation will be provided after the event and upon completion of the evaluation. Live attendance in the accredited sessions is required to receive the letter of participation. Please note that Sponsored Symposia are not accredited.

Spread the Word

Help spread the word for Oncology Fundamentals Day! Print and distribute the OFD24 Promotional Slide within your oncology pharmacy community.

Contribuez à faire connaître Oncology Fundamentals Day! Imprimez et distribuez le dépliant promotionnel JFO24 auprès de votre communauté de pharmaciens en oncologie.


Looking for more information on Oncology Fundamentals Day 2024? Check out CAPhO's OFD eNewsletters (Eng & Fr)!

OFD24 eNewsletter 1

OFD24 eNewsletter 2