CAPhO Conference 2021 Welcome Message
On behalf of the 2021 Planning Committee, I would like to welcome you and invite you to attend the Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO) Conference taking place virtually from June 4-6, 2021!
While we are unable to meet in person, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are very excited to offer this opportunity for you to attend our annual meeting virtually this year, which is also the 25th Anniversary of CAPhO itself! We have a fantastic line-up of speakers and sessions and opportunities to network and visit our poster session and sponsor displays. CAPhO will also host its Annual General Meeting and Awards Presentations this weekend as well!
The CAPhO Virtual Conference program theme is "Change, Challenge, Opportunity". This past year has brought huge changes for all of us, both personally and professionally. We've had to find ways to change how we care for patients, change treatment options to reduce patient visits to the cancer centre and change processes and procedures due to drug and supply shortages. In addition, it has brought us many challenges. How do we continue to provide the best possible care while keeping our patients and our colleagues safe? And the past year has also brought us opportunities. We have found opportunities to pivot the way we deliver care, opportunities to change the care we provide and opportunities to be a part of the front line efforts to fight the pandemic. This program brings all of these themes in focus and will help you to continue to take your practice to the next level!
The CAPhO Conference is the only national conference that brings Oncology Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians and Assistants together. So we hope that you will take some time to join us virtually for this outstanding event!
Lynne Nakashima
Chair, CAPhO Virtual Conference 2021