It is my pleasure to announce that CAPhO will be offering a practical oncology Drug Interactions Program available to all CAPhO members!
The NEW Drug Interactions Program is a key educational initiative that has been developed by the Drug Interactions Task Force with the objective of providing practical strategies to managing common drug interactions encountered in oncology practice. The program is broken down into three phases including two online modules and one in-person workshop in an effort to optimize the educational experience.
Phase 1 - CAPhO is extremely proud to partner with BC Cancer Agency (BCCA) to offer the BCCA Drug Interactions module that can be completed online. This module will look to enhance your evaluation of drug interaction resources, interpretation, and monitoring required for common drug interactions encountered in oncology practice.
Phase 2 - Three online "Choose Your Own Adventure" patient cases will put your interpretation skills and knowledge to the test! These cases will simulate patient scenarios encountered in oncology practice that may have several correct (or somewhat correct) answers. Don't expect the same "Choose Your Own Adventure" books you read as a child! Phase 2 will be released this January. Watch your inbox for the announcement!
Phase 3 - An in-person workshop will be held the day before CAPhO Conference 2018 in Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario on May 3, 2018. The workshop will be open to 24 attendees who will split into six groups of four that will work through four patient cases, each focusing on a different oncology-related drug interaction, where the main focus will be developing a pharmaceutical care plan for each case. Attendees will also have the opportunity to develop their group communication skills by role playing the discussion with the patient and healthcare team. Lunch and coffee will also be included in the workshop fee! Registration is now open, so act quickly to ensure you have a seat!
Phases 1 and 2 are free to CAPhO members with Phase 3's workshop requiring a small fee. Phases 2 and 3 are open to non-members for a fee.
I look forward to seeing how this program evolves and how it can improve your oncology practice. It has been developed through the hard work of several parties including the Drug Interactions Task Force, BCCA and CAPhO's Association Management Office.
Many thanks to:
- Tara Leslie (Education Committee Chair Pharmacist - Fundamentals)
- Drug Interactions Task Force (Tara Leslie, Jennifer Jupp, Beverly Dawson, Iryna Knyazevych, Carlo DeAngelis, Sally Waignein and Melanie Danilak (past member))
- BCCA (Rhonda Kalyn and Lynne Nakashima)
- Authors (Nicole MacDonald, Jason Wentzell, Tiffany Nyugen, Iryna Knyazevych, Erin Francis, Maria Anwar, Mark Diachinsky)
- Reviewers (Danica Wasney, Jennifer Jupp, Beverly Dawson, Melanie Danilak, Marcel Romanick)
- Facilitators of the Live Workshop (Tara Leslie, Glenn Myers, Jason Wentzel, Tiffany Nyugen)
- Facilitator Manual Creators (Tara Leslie, Glenn Myers, Jennifer Jupp)
Don't miss the opportunity to take part in this valuable educational initiative! If you have any questions about the Drug Interactions Program, please contact me at
Glenn Myers
Chair, Education Committee - Pharmacist Advanced