CAPhO Conference 2023
Submit an Abstract
Poster Abstract Submission Guidelines
New for 2023! CAPhO Conference 2023 will be a hybrid event. You therefore have the option of submitting your poster abstract for a virtual or in person display. You will be asked to choose your preference during the submission process. These guidelines are applicable to both virtual and in person posters.
Submission Deadline
Submit your poster abstract via CAPhO's online submission site by Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at midnight PST. The submitting author will be notified of acceptance by email the week of February 6, 2023.
Presenting Author Registration
The presenting author must register for the Conference by Wednesday, February 22, 2023. The submitting author is responsible for notifying the presenting author of the registration deadline.
Title and Content
The poster title must be submitted in Title Case. The poster abstract is to include an objective, design, results, conclusion and contact information.
Submission Categories
The following four submission categories are available:
- Administration: Staff training programs, pharmacoeconomics, drug preparation and delivery, projects that address compliance to provincial regulatory standards or national best practice guidelines
- Pharmacy practice (non-research based): Descriptions of innovative patient care programs, drug utilization evaluations/drug management programs, quality assurance projects
- Research - Clinical: Evaluation of pharmacist interventions, clinical qualitative studies, meta-analyses or scoping reviews on clinical topics
- Research - Non-clinical: Original research on drug stability, pharmacokinetic studies, pharmacodynamics studies including incidence of adverse reactions, pharmacogenomics projects, patient attitude or behavioral studies, education projects
Presentation Types
The following two presentation types are available:
- New Poster (poster that has not been displayed before)
- Encore Poster (poster that has been presented elsewhere)
Only new posters submitted by CAPhO members are considered for the CAPhO Poster Awards. Encore posters are not considered for judging however may be presented to provide exposure to a new audience.
Author Information
The following author information is required:
- Name and contact information of submitting author
- Name and affiliation of any co-authors, including presenting author
Abstract Length
The maximum length of a poster abstract is 200 words.
The use of standard abbreviations is desirable.
Poster abstracts and posters are accepted in either English or French.
Number of Submissions
An individual may submit up to two poster abstracts as primary author. There is no limit on the number of abstracts that an individual can co-author.
If applicable, please provide the name and contact information (including phone and email) of the poster abstract sponsor.
All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement of the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice in 2023. Issue # to be determined.
Terms and Conditions
- An individual may submit up to two poster abstracts as primary author. There is no limit on the number of abstracts that an individual can co-author.
- All submissions will be kept by the CAPhO Conference organizers, and will not be returned.
- All submissions are subject to review by the CAPhO Research Committee.
- The CAPhO Research Committee reserves the right to decline any poster abstract for any reason.
- Submitting authors will be notified of the CAPhO Research Committee's decision(s) by email the week of February 6, 2023.
- The presenting author must register for CAPhO 2023 by Wednesday, February 22, 2023. Presenting authors can register for either the in-person or virtual options.
- An electronic version of the poster is required to be sent to conference@capho.org by Tuesday, March 21, 2023 for pre-Conference judging and for posting on the online platform.
- All accepted posters will be posted on the CAPhO website and Conference online platform and will be available for viewing from April 13 to 16, 2023 during the Conference and post-conference.
- Accepted poster presenters who are attending CAPhO Conference in person are required to bring a hard copy version of the poster to Conference as well as submit an electronic version as indicated above. Specific details on hard-copy poster presentations will be sent in February 2023.
- A panel of judges will review all new posters of CAPhO members prior to the Conference. If your poster is selected for a Poster Award, you will be asked to give a brief live poster presentation during CAPhO 2023. Poster award recipients may submit a recorded version of their presentation if not attending in person. More details to follow.
- By submitting an abstract to CAPhO Conference 2023 the authors give consent to have their abstract published in the supplement.
- Authors agree to declare any conflict of interests and/or issues concerning copyright during the submission process.
Poster Display Criteria
Poster Session Attendance and Presentation
Poster Award recipients who are registered for the in person Conference are required to present live at the CAPhO Poster Award Presentation Session. Poster Award recipients attending virtually are required to submit a pre-recorded version of their presentation by Friday, April 7, 2023.
PDF Poster
An electronic version of the poster is required to be sent to conference@capho.org by Monday, March 13 for pre-Conference judging and for posting on the online platform. All accepted posters will be posted on the CAPhO website and the Conference online platform and be available for viewing from April 13 to 16, 2023 and post-conference.
You have the option to submit a 5-10 minute narrated presentation about your poster which will be available for viewing on the online platform only. This is an optional component for authors and more details will be provided.
CAPhO Poster Awards
Award Eligibility
In order to be eligible for a CAPhO Poster Award, the submitting author who is also the first author and presenting author must have paid their CAPhO membership fee by February 1, 2023.
Award Judging
A panel of judges will review all ‘New’ category posters of CAPhO members prior to the Conference. An electronic version of the poster is required to be sent to conference@capho.org by Monday, March 13, 2023 for pre-Conference judging and for posting on the online platform. Encore posters, posters submitted by non-CAPhO members and company sponsored posters are not considered for the CAPhO Poster Awards.
Award Presentation
There will be four awards presented:
- Best Overall Poster for Administration - $500
- Best Overall Poster for Pharmacy Practice - $500
- Best Overall Poster for Research (Clinical) - $500
- Best Overall Poster for Research (Non-clinical) - $500
If your poster is selected for a Poster Award, you will be asked to give a brief presentation during the CAPhO 2023 Conference. Poster Award recipients will be notified of their presentation details in March 2023.